Home Wisdom Teeth Removal New Port Richey, FL

When left in place, the wisdom teeth can contribute to a range of oral health concerns. Preemptive wisdom teeth removal can be a meaningful investment in long-term quality of life and in the integrity of your smile. At Mosaic Maxillofacial Surgical Arts & Implant Centers, we are a trusted name in wisdom teeth removal, proudly serving patients in New Port Richey, FL. We are known for promoting outstanding outcomes while foregrounding patient comfort, safety, and care.

When To Have Wisdom Teeth Removed

Wisdom teeth typically erupt during your teens or early twenties. It’s recommended that they be removed as soon as your dentist advises, usually within this age range. Early removal prevents complex root structures, making surgery smoother and recovery easier.

By having your wisdom teeth removed earlier rather than later in life, you can minimize the risk of root structures becoming complex and more difficult to remove. This makes wisdom teeth removal a smoother, less complicated process. It may also mean you experience less discomfort during your recovery.

Why Is Wisdom Teeth Removal Necessary?

The wisdom teeth, also called third molars, are the final teeth to enter the smile. When they do so, the mouth is already crowded, meaning there is little space for the wisdom teeth to emerge as normal. This leads to a high rate of impaction.

Impacted wisdom teeth, those trapped under gum or bone, are common due to limited space in the mouth. This can lead to:

  • Damage to neighboring teeth
  • Gum infections and tooth decay
  • Cysts and potential tumors
  • Crowding and misalignment of other teeth

Even non-impacted wisdom teeth can cause issues like crowding and misalignment, affecting your bite, speech, and oral hygiene.

These are just a few of the reasons why it is beneficial to seek proactive wisdom teeth removal, having these third molars extracted before they can cause any discomfort or harm.

What to Expect from Wisdom Teeth Removal

The wisdom teeth removal process begins with a consultation. You will have an opportunity to meet with your surgeon, ask any questions you might have, and learn more about the treatment plan. Your oral surgeon will also evaluate the health of your teeth and gums, verifying that you are ready for a safe and successful procedure.

On the day of your wisdom teeth removal, you will be welcomed to a private treatment room where anesthesia will be administered. Once you are completely comfortable, your surgeon will carefully remove the wisdom teeth and close the incision sites in your mouth. This is a routine surgery that usually takes under an hour in total. You will be discharged to go home to rest and recover. Make sure you have someone to drive you.

Wisdom teeth recovery usually takes no more than a few days, and patients who have the procedure on a Thursday or Friday should be ready to resume school or work activities by Monday. Over-the-counter medications can help mediate swelling and discomfort. You will need to start with liquids and soft foods, transitioning back to a regular diet within the first week of recovery.

Why You Should Visit MOSAIC for Wisdom Teeth Removal

At Mosaic Maxillofacial Surgical Arts & Implant Centers, we have a proven track record of clinical excellence. Our surgeons are highly skilled and experienced, with a high level of training and credentialing. This equips them to promote the best outcome possible, all while prioritizing your comfort and safety. In addition, we use research-backed technologies to deliver an optimal experience and an expedient recovery.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Wisdom teeth removal is an important way to invest in the long-term health of your smile and avoid potentially serious complications down the road. To schedule a wisdom teeth consultation in New Port Richey, FL, contact Mosaic Maxillofacial Surgical Arts & Implant Centers today at (727) 842-5180.